All You Need To Know About Butane Gas Cylinder

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news 山东保利来化工 2024-05-21 16:24:57 13784

Butane is a highly flammable, colourless, and easily liquefied gas which was discovered by the Edward Frankland in 1849. Here is a list of some of the physical properties of Butane:
Formula                                                           C4H10
Molecular Weight (lb/mol)                                58.12
Critical Temp. (°F)                                            305.9
Critical Pressure (psia)                                     549.9
Boiling Point (°F)                                               31.0
Melting Point (°F)                                             -217.0
Psat @ 70°F (psia)                                           31.3
Liquid Density @ 70°F (lb/ft3)                           36.05
Gas Density @ 70°F 1 atm (lb/ft3)                    0.1551
Specific Volume @ 70°F 1 atm (ft3/lb)              6.45
Specific Gravity                                                 2.108
Specific Heat @ 70°F (Btu/lbmol-°F)                23.87
Butane has a number of uses both domestic and commercial. It can be used for gasoline blending, in the manufacture of ethylene and butadiene which is a key component in the manufacture of synthetic rubber.  Butane is known as liquefied petroleum gas or LPG commercially, when blended with propane and other hydrocarbons. It is used as a petrol component and as a feedstock for the production of base petrochemicals in steam cracking etc.
Pure form of butane, isobutane, can be used as a refrigerant in household refrigerators and freezers. Apart from this it is used as lighter fuel for a common lighter or butane torch which is commonly used for glass making, craft projects, plumbing projects etc. It is sold in bottled form as a fuel for cooking, barbecues and camping stoves and portable grills.
Butane is at different states at different temperatures. At room temperature and atmospheric pressure it is in the gaseous state. It can be liquefied under pressure at normal temperatures which allows it to be used as fuels. In the presence of normal or increased amount of oxygen, butane can burn to form carbon dioxide and water vapour. In case of lack of oxygen carbon (soot) or carbon monoxide is formed as a waste product.
Butane is an environmentally friendly gas. Unlike the other gases such as carbon dioxide, methane or nitrous oxide, butane does not affect the ozone layer. Isobutanes has also replaced halomethanes which is used as a refrigerant since it negatively affects the ozone layer. Butane being environmentally friendly is used as a refrigerant in domestic appliances such as refrigerators and freezers often.
Butane if not used in the right manner can prove to be hazardous. If inhaled, it can cause a range of mild to serious side effects such as drowsiness, euphoria, fluctuations in blood pressure, and memory loss. In certain serious cases, death can occur from asphyxiation due to irregular and rapid heart rhythms.
Liquid form of butane or from the pressurised gas inside an aerosol spray can cause frostbite or freeze burn due to the high temperature. Butane is extremely flammable and can be easily ignited. Hence prolonged exposure to heat or fire may cause containers or gas bottles to explode.

See our Butane Gas bottle which is a 13 Kg Butane Gas bottle that is ideal caravans, outdoor cooking, and domestic and commercial mobile heating.

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